Many have tried, many have succeeded…few can stay in her good graces for long. Something to do with lies – she has an aversion to them, BTW. (Hit Girl video included just to remind you that little girl is a pansy compared to Junco!)

OK, this week’s How To with Lucan is How To Make Junco Love You. Personally, this was not difficult for me as I am exceptional in every way. She is drawn to the exceptional, as are most people. Which is why I have such a large fan following. If you’re a fan, and you know you are, feel free to five-star me at any point in this article. Here we go:

  1. Give her power – Junco, whether she admits it or not, enjoys power. That’s why she keeps that disturbing weapon docked to her body even when she’s on Earth. It’s not necessary, she just likes the power it brings.
  2. Don’t lie – although she does tend to forgive you over time, those first few days after being caught in a lie can be downright painful. She enjoys the truth, as do most people. But most people can’t save entire civilizations, so it’s nice to have her on your side. You really don’t want her vengeance in a critical moment because she caught you in a lie. So be truthful.
  3. Compliment her skills, not her looks. Although she is very beautiful. She prefers to be valued for her abilities, not her appearance.
  4. Let her save your life at least once. She likes to feel needed, so telling her not to get involved when you’re getting your ass kicked is a bad idea. She’d rather join in, so what the hell. Just go along with it.
  5. Hug her when she cries. I found this one to work exceptionally well. She enjoys a nice hug when she’s feeling down and if you add in a few tidbits about how she completes you, all the better.
  6. Let her kick your ass in an exhibition fight. Not in Deliverance, she might kill you. But as Ashur found out in training, Junco enjoys slapping you in the face with her foot and making you look bad. He did get a kiss out of her afterward, so you can’t really blame him.
  7. Talk her up with lots of future plans of revenge. Gideon did this exceptionally well when they were young and I think of all the methods, this one worked the best. She still loves that annoying asshole more than me.
  8. Treat her like an equal. This method worked for Tier. Still does. Even after he tried to fight her. Like I said, she enjoys a good fight.
  9. Invade her mind and steal her private thoughts. This was Isten’s method. Why she went along with this thievery I’ll never know, but she did. Isten stole all sorts of memories and spied on her continuously, yet she loved him more than most.

I could go on and on, after all most of the guys on the team adore her to no end. But I’m sure this is enough for now. So if you ever meet Junco, give one of these methods a try, she just might be your best friend by the time she walks away.

EDIT: to say – seriously, don’t let her kick your ass. Bad, bad idea.